Yang, Shuangshuang


B.A. Sociology, Shanghai University, 2019


Gender, family, sexuality, low fertility, social demography, and quantitative methods

Research Interests

My primary research interests lie in the intersection of gender, family and sexuality, as well
as social demography and quantitative methodology. Specifically, I am interested in how
attitudes become gendered; how gender inequalities are produced and reproduced in private
spheres; and the linkage between low fertility and gendered consequences.
Currently, my research is concerned with the endorsement of sexual double standards of
marital infidelity among Chinese millennials, and women’s roles and agency in China’s
family planning policy.

Selected Conference Presentations

Yang, Shuangshuang and Ji, Yingchun. “Unveil Half the Sky: Paradox of Women’s Role in
the 4 Decades of China’s Family Planning Policy.”
● Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, Austin, the United States,
April, 2019.

Yang, Shuangshuang and Ji, Yingchun. “A Comprehensive Review of China’s Family
Planning Policy: Bringing Women Back.”
● American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, the United States,
August, 2018.
● Asian Population Association Annual Meeting, Shanghai, China, July, 2018.

Yang, Shuangshuang and Ji, Yingchun. “Gender Double Standard on Infidelity in China:
Testimony from a Chinese Post-90s’ Social Network.”
● International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committees RC06 (Family)
and RC41 (Population) Conference, Singapore, May, 2018.
● Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, Austin, the United States,
April, 2019.


Email: shuangshuang.yang@wsu.edu

Office: Wilson-Short 214

Curriculum Vitae