Steven Cassidy


M.A. Sociology, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 2018
B.A. Mass Communications (emphasis in advertising and public relations), Colorado State University-Pueblo, 2012


Explaining Historical Change, Military Sociology, Social Theory, Veterans Studies, Qualitative Methods, Mixed-Methods Research

Research Interests

In my research, I address questions related to the experiences of military service members and veterans. My dissertation research explores the social and cultural factors that affect small-unit dynamics among deployed service members. Using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, I have collaborated on research projects related to: historical changes in the political attitudes of military veterans, service members’ transition to civilian employment, veterans’ mortality risk, veterans’ transition to higher education, veterans’ perceptions of support services in higher education, and cyber security policy. My research on service members and veterans aims to shed light on the potential effects of military service, with the goal of informing policies that improve outcomes for service members, veterans, and their families.

Highlighted Publications

Cassidy, S.P., MacLean, A., & Denney, J. T. (2023). Military Service, Education, and Mortality Across Cohorts from World War II to the Post-Vietnam Era. Population Research and Policy Review42(4), 67.

Steven P. Cassidy & Heather Albanesi (2022). “You haven’t gone out and done anything”: Exploring Disabled Veterans’ Experiences in Higher Education. Armed Forces & Society, 0095327X2110639.