Health & Society
The health & society minor offers social science training on how health and well-being are shaped by social inequalities; family, work, criminal justice and other institutions; and other cultural and structural influences. This minor will prepare those entering a wide range of health-related careers, including: medicine, mental health, public health, public policy, social work, occupational and other therapy, and substance abuse counseling.
Coursework provides a strong foundation for students to understand social determinants of physical and mental health and to work with increasingly diverse and aging populations.
Earning your minor
Students pursuing this minor are required to take at least 18 hours of coursework, 9 of which must be in 300-400-level courses taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses, and must maintain a 2.0 average. The 18 hours include two required courses and four additional Health & Society electives. (18 credits total).
Required Courses (6 credits):
- SOC 334: Medical Sociology
- SOC 340: Social Inequality [EQJS]
Health & Society Electives (choose 12 credits):
- SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology [SSCI]
SOC 102: Social Problems [SSCI] - SOC 251: Sociology of sex, relationships, and marriage [DIVR]
- SOC 330: America’s changing population: Challenges and strategies
- SOC 336: Sociology of Food
- SOC 356: Growing Up and Growing Older
- SOC 351: The Family [DIVR]
- SOC 368: Drugs and Society
- SOC 384: Sociology of Gender
- SOC 493: Internship (career-related, up to 3 credits)
- ANTH 205: Health, Healing, and Medicine Across Cultures [SSCI]
- ANTH 304: Cross-Cultural Perspectives of Mental Health and Illness [SSCI]
- ANTH 405: Medical Anthropology
- PHIL 365: Biomedical Ethics
- PSYCH 310: Work, Stress & Health
- WGSS/SOC 385: Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies [DIVR] (pre-requisite of Junior standing)
Contact an academic advisor
Learn more about earning your minor in sociology.
Lauri Sue Torkelson 509-335-4475