Welcome to Sociology News!
This spring the department continued to hold events related to the centennial celebration. In April, we were excited to welcome Lori Hughes (’03 PhD) back to Pullman for her talk, “Studying Crime and Violence: A Legacy of WSU Sociology at 100.”
We are happy to unveil two prestigious new departmental awards, the Pazhouh Family Sociology Student Success Fund and Lois DeFleur Graduate Student Support Award, to help support our talented and deserving graduate students.
The department continues to take pride in the mentoring it offers WSU undergraduate and graduate students. In the Alumni Spotlight, we talked with James McCall (’19 PhD), who emphasized the importance of faculty mentorship while he was a graduate student.
We also highlight undergraduate Dalton Cardoso, recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Senior Award, who worked closely with sociology faculty and graduate students during his time here.
Please feel free to reach out to us with any comments, questions, or ideas for future articles. The department thanks you for your continued support!
Have a wonderful summer!
Thomas Rotolo, rotolo@wsu.edu
Shekinah Hoffman, shekinah.hoffman@wsu.edu