Our Debut Issue!
Our Debut Issue!
WSU Sociology E-News will connect what’s happening with our alumni to what is happening in today’s sociology department.
Our Goal
We want to learn and share more about what our graduates, former faculty and staff are doing. This periodic publication will include updates on current students and faculty and our alumni, including how they are making important differences across the nation and around the world. Plus, we will provide insight into the contributions the department makes to the University and to building the science of developing and extending sociology.
Some of you who are receiving this email may recall a printed newsletter that was periodically mailed to in the past, but has been discontinued under the pressure of budget challenges. WSU Sociology E-News will be published periodically, as news warrants, and we thank you for contributing to its rejuvenation in this more timely format.
WSU Sociology E-News will include reports of upcoming events and alumni updates (see below for news on Armand Mauss, Lindsey Trimble-O’Connor, and Bryan Rookey). We will also include, reports of recent accomplishments of the Sociology Club that is dedicated to making the campus and community a better place. Fianlly, we plan to feature faculty accomplishments such as a recent news story on Greg Hooks’ work on prison privatization and impeded job growth.
We hope this and future newsletters will encourage you to let us know what you are doing so we can share it with others. Also, feel free to send us email addresses of alums and others with interest in the department so we can add them to the distribution list.
WSU Sociology has a long proud tradition that all of you are part of and our goal with E-News is to bring back memories of that tradition and extend it far and wide.
Let us hear from you.
Rayna A. Sage, Co-editor, rsage@wsu.edu
Don A. Dillman, Co-editor, dillman@wsu.edu
Dr. Rayna Sage is a true Coug, earning her B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from WSU. She loves the rolling hills of the Palouse, the sharply defined seasons, and, of course, sociology. As co-editor, she hopes to foster a stronger sense of collective community among sociology students, alumni, and faculty.
Dr. Don Dillman has been a sociology faculty member at WSU since 1969. He describes his WSU journey as being just long enough to track many sociology graduates throughout their careers from graduation to retirement. As co-editor he hopes to find ways to link alums now scattered throughout the world with the excitement of current happenings in the Sociology Department.
Mark Your Calendar
Mar 26 Sociology Student Poster Competition
Mar 29 WSU Academic Showcase
Apr 25 Annual Sociology Awards Banquet
Apr 20 EARThS Conference
May 4 Spring Graduation