Publications, Awards, and Other Accomplishments

Jesse is standing next to a screen displaying his project title mid-speak and masked. The students are seated around a table listening and masked.
Undergraduate student Jesse Brazil giving a presentation based on his RA work with faculty member Dylan Bugden, “US Public Opinion and Foreign (Climate) Aid,” for the undergraduate Sociology Club meeting in October 2021.

Faculty names are bolded, current graduate student names are bolded and followed by an asterisk (*).

Congratulations to:

Mari Amorim and Jeffery Sallaz were awarded funds through the NYU Cash Transfer Lab to work on a qualitative project titled, “The Social Meanings of Universal Cash Transfers for Parents Across the Socioeconomic Spectrum.”

Dylan Bugden, along with PI Jan Boll and fellow co-PIs Erica Crespi, Alex Fremier, and Zoe Higheagle Strong, received a grant from the National Science Foundation NRT program titled, “Rivers, Watersheds, Communities: Training an Innovative, Cross-Sector Workforce for Equitable, Multi-Scale Decision-Making Towards Human and Ecosystem Health.” The grant totals $2,999,648.00. Funds will primarily support graduate students studying issues related to water systems and governance. You can read more about the grant here.

Samantha Castonguay* successfully defended their master’s thesis, “The Influence of Gender on Publishing Productivity and Academic Rewards in Environmental Sociology,” in October 2021.

Marisa Cervantes* earned the 2020-2021 Alpha Kappa Delta Teaching and Learning Certificate.

Tinashe Chirume* successfully defended their master’s thesis, “Examining the Association Between World Society Integration and Leadership Gender Diversity: A Cross National Analysis of Variations in Conservation and Environmental-NGOs Leadership Gender Diversity,” in November 2021.

Justin Denney is a co-investigator on a new pilot grant funded by the Health Equity Research Center (HERC) at WSU with colleagues from the Elson Floyd College of Medicine. The grant is titled “Impact of Long-COVID-19 on rural and American Indian-serving primary care practices and their patients in Washington State.”

Cassi Leonard* successfully defended their master’s thesis, “World Systems Theory and Cross-National Variations in Trust,” in October 2021.

Sadie Ridgeway* was awarded the Wilson Julius Wilson Graduate Student Summer Health Equity Fellowship.

Jennifer Schwartz and Jennifer Sherman were awarded a three-year grant from the National Institute of Justice for Advancing Research on Rural Justice Systems.

Jennifer Sherman was selected to be a Washington State University Foley Fellow, Humanities Washington Speakers Bureau, 2021-2023.

Jennifer Sherman began her term as vice president, Rural Sociological Society, 2021-2022.

Sandte Stanley* was elected student board member of the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS). She will also serve as chair of the IAPHS Student Committee.

Shuangshuang Yang* successfully defended their master’s thesis, “Women’s Housework Across Different Living Arrangements And Regional Contexts In China,” in November 2021.



Mari Amorim  had an article, “‘My Favorite One Is the One Who Is There Right Now’: Socioeconomic Differences In Support Exchanges Within Stepfamilies,” accepted for publication in Social Problems.  

Mari Amorim  had an article, “Socioeconomic Disparities in parental spending after universal cash transfers: The case of the Alaska Dividend,” accepted for publication in Social Forces.

Dylan Bugden had an article, “Environmental Inequality in the American Mind: The Problem of Color-Blind Environmental Racism,” accepted for publication in Social Problems.

Heather Powers Albanesi, Phillip Morris, and Steven Cassidy* had an article, “Service-connected disability: Belongingness, access, and quality of life for student veterans,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability.

Steven Cassidy* and Health Albanesi has an article, “’You haven’t gone out and done anything’: Exploring disabled veterans experiences in higher education,” accepted for publication in Armed Forces and Society.

Sam Castonguay* produced a report, “Washington,” featured on the Northwest Health Education and Research Outcomes Network (NW HERON) website.

Justin Denney, with colleagues from the University of Washington and WSU medical schools, had an article, “Disparities in Access to Radiation Therapy Facilities among American Indians/Alaska Natives and Hispanics in Washington State,” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics.

Don Dillman wrote the foreword for the book, “Respondent Centered Surveys,” by Laura Wilson and Emma Dickinson published by Sage Publications Limited, London.

Don Dillman had an article, “Fifty Years of Survey Methodology Innovations,” accepted for publication in The Bulletin of Sociological Methodology (Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique).

Christine Horne, Emily Huddart Kennedy, and Thomas Familia* had an article, “Rooftop Solar in the United States: Exploring Trust, Utility Perceptions, and Adoption among California Homeowners,” accepted for publication in Energy Research and Social Science.

Christine Horne and Emily Kennedy had an article, “Understanding the Rebound: Normative Evaluations of Energy Use in the United States,” accepted for publication in Environmental Sociology.

Christine Horne and Thomas Familia* had an article, “Norms, Norm Sets, and Reference Groups: Implications for Household Interest in Energy Technologies,” published in Socius.

Julie Kmec, Lindsey T. O’Connor, and Shekinah Hoffman* had an article, “Beliefs about Gender and Meritocracy and the Evaluation of Sexual Harassment in a University Research Setting,” accepted for publication in Diversity & Discrimination in Research Organizations.

Jennifer Sherman had the article, “‘Please Don’t Take This’: Rural Gentrification, Symbolic Capital, and Housing Insecurity,” published in Social Problems.

Jennifer Sherman and Kai Schafft had their article, “‘Turning Their Back on Kids’: Inclusions, Exclusions, and the Contradictions of Schooling in Gentrifying Rural Communities,” accepted for publication in the “Growing Up in Rural America: How Place Shapes Education, Health, Family, and Economic Outcomes” issue of Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences.

Anna Zamora-Kapoor and colleagues Deborah Kirkland, Mariela Licha, Michelle Barry, and Paul Erwin, had the article “Experiences of United States Graduates in the Latin American Medical School in Cuba: A Road Less Traveled,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 

Anna Zamora-Kapoor and colleagues Jane Lee, Chen Ching-In, Jacqueline Padilla-Gamino, Linh Nguyen, Karin Martin, and Beatrice Wamuti published the op-ed “Women and non-binary faculty of color are vulnerable one year into pandemic” in the South Seattle Emerald, May 17, 2021.

Anna Zamora-Kapoor and Justin Denney published the op-ed “The Promise of Community-Based Participatory Research for the Study of Sleep Health Disparities in Remarks, newsletter of the American Sociological Association, Racial and Ethnic Minorities Section, June 25, 2021.



Mari Amorim  and  Sarah Deming* presented a paper, “Racial Disparities in Family Trajectories and College Transfers to Young Adult Children,” at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in August 2021.

Mari Amorim,  Megan Bea (University of Wisconsin-Madison), and Terri Friedline (University of Michigan) presented a paper, “Public Cash Assistance and Spatial Predation: How State Cash Transfer Environments Shape Payday Lender Geography,” at the 2021 Population Association of America Annual Conference.

Mari Amorim  and Daniel Schneider (Harvard University) presented a paper, “Schedule Unpredictability and High-Cost Debt Among Service Workers,” at the 2021 Population Association of America Annual Conference.

Mari Amorim, Sophia Yang*,  and Adriana Reyes (Cornell University) presented a paper, “The Role of Multigenerational Co-Residence in Shaping the Geographical Contexts of Children,” at the 2021 Population Association of America Annual Conference.

Azdren Coma*, Erik Johnson, and Philip Schwadel presented a paper, “Testing the Relationship Between Political Context and Environmental Support,” at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association round table section on the environment in August 2021.

Shekinah Hoffman* presented a paper co-authored with Julie Kmec and Lindsey T. O’Connor (WSU PhD 2012), “Gender Beliefs and the Response to Workplace Sexual Harassment,” at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in August 2021.

Erik Johnson, Azdren Coma*, and Samantha Castonguay* presented a paper, “The Presence of Climate and Justice Issues Among Major US Environmental Nonprofits at The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector,” at the Quarterly Symposium on Climate Change and the Voluntary Sector.

Sadie Ridgeway* presented a paper, “Weight Status, Everyday Discrimination, and Self-Rated Health among Young Adults,” at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in August 2021.

Jenn is seen on Zoom mid talk.
Jennifer Sherman (right) presenting her talk, “Gentrification in Rural Washington” hosted by the Foley Institute.

Jennifer Sherman presented a talk, “Gentrification in Rural Washington,” hosted by the Foley Institute in October 2021.

Jennifer Sherman discussed her new book Dividing Paradise: Rural Inequality and the Diminishing American Dream in the Author Meets Critics Session of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society hosted online.

Jennifer Sherman and Jennifer Schwartz gave the talk, “The Fine Line: Rural Justice, Public Health and Safety, and the Coronavirus Pandemic,” to the COVID Conundrums within the Community panel at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society hosted online.

Anna Zamora-Kapoor presented a paper, “Mediation of risk factors for high blood pressure in four racial and ethnic populations,” at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in August 2021.


Other noteworthy accomplishments:

Mari Amorim’s research was featured in WSU News, Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity, and Juneau Empire.

Mari Amorim  organized the session “Family Complexity” for the 2021 Population Association of America Annual Conference.

Marisa Cervantes* was elected as the Graduate Caucus representative for Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS).

Marisa Cervantes* was selected to serve as an inaugural member of Loyola Marymount University’s First to Go Alumni Advisory Board.

Azdren Coma* was invited to participate in a public roundtable discussion of local nonprofit organizations, in Struga, North Macedonia. The topic was illegal landfills and access to clean drinking water.

Justin Denney served on a National Institutes of Health Special Emphasis Panel, “Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities” to review applications received in response to Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) RFA-MD-21-004 Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trail Optional) on November 15-17, 2021.

Anna Zamora-Kapoor was interviewed and quoted in the article: “As the delta variant grips Washington state, Latino population faces steep COVID risk,” in The Seattle Times, August 8, 2021.

Anna Zamora-Kapoor was interviewed by The Lynnwood Times about the concept of equity: “What does equity mean to you?”


Spring 2021 Department Annual Awards:

Josie Ash was awarded the Sociology Excellence Fund: Outstanding Senior.

Liz Aust*, Jordan Burke*, Samantha Castonguay*, Azdren Coma*, Caleb Cooley*, Tinashe Chirume*, Michelle Weston*, Steven Cassidy*, Namrata Ray*, Sandte Stanely*, and Nicole Jewell were awarded the Jeanne Jewett Scholarship.

Jesse Brazil was awarded the Ruth Magnuson Roberts Scholarship.

Allyson Butzke was awarded the Sociology Excellence Fund: CAS Outstanding Senior.

Elise Calene, Yubi Lojewski, and David Torres were awarded the Herbert and Mary Wensky Scholarship.

Samantha Castonguay* was awarded the Joseph R. DeMartini Fellowship.

Steven Cassidy* and Cassi Leonard*  were awarded the Susan and Sarah Dolan Memorial Scholarship.

Marisa Cervantes* was awarded the Sociology Graduate Student Fellowship.

Tinashe Chirume* and Aleksey Reshetnikov* were awarded the Marjorie Talbott Tripp Scholarship.

Azdren Coma*, Thomas Familia*, Xiaoqu Huang*, Christie Miksys*, Aleksey Reshetnikov*, and Xiao Li* were awarded the Fred R. Yoder Memorial Graduate Fellowship in Sociology.

Andrea De LaBarrera Montppellier* was awarded the Don Dillman Fellowship.

Justin T. Denney was awarded the 2021 Louis N. Gray Award.

Sarah Deming* was awarded the John Wardwell Scholarship.

Ish Green*, Shekinah Hoffman*, Jair Johnson*, Seon Yup Lee, Christian Maynard*, Georgia Plotkin*, and Kiley Simpson* were awarded the Department of Sociology Graduate Student First Year Award.

Xiaoqu Huang*, Ish Green*, Shekinah Hoffman*, Jair Johnson*, Seon Yup Lee, Christian Maynard*, Georgia Plotkin*, and Kiley Simpson* were awarded the Paul and Bessie Landis Scholarship.

Morgan Montanez* was awarded the Gordon D. and Izola P. Morgan Graduate Fellowship in Sociology.

Kyle Rakowski* was awarded the Joseph R. DeMartini Excellence in Teaching Award.

Sadie Ridgeway* was awarded the Ann Madsen Depew Memorial Fund.