Publications, Awards, and Other Accomplishments
The publications, presentations, and grants included here are for all faculty and graduate students in 2019 and forthcoming 2020, not reported in the Fall 2018 issue of Sociology News. Faculty names are in bold; graduate student names are in bold and followed by an asterisk.
We first want to congratulate a handful of individuals on successful defenses, new positions, and other honors since publication of the Spring 2019 issue of Sociology News.
Congratulations to…
Rivers Isaacson* who successfully defended his master’s thesis, “Public Health and Voting Trends in the U.S. Presidential Elections, 2008-2016” in April.
Darcy Hauslik* who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, “The Boundaries of Waste, Want, and Reuse: A Qualitative Analysis of Thrift Store Shopping and Dumpster Diving in Washington State” on July 11.
James McCall* who accepted a full-time position as a Project Manager at the Social and Economic Sciences Research Center (SESRC) at WSU starting in June 2019.
Adam McKee* who successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, “Gay Men and Fatherhood: Expanding Masculinity and Challenging Heteronormativity” in April.
Namrata Ray* who successfully defended her master’s thesis entitled, “Living Arrangements, Marital Status and Adult Mortality in the United States” in October.
Adam Roth* who successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, “Caregiving and Personal Networks: Implications for Health and Well-Being in Later Life” in June.
Julie Kmec, Andrea De LaBarrera Montppellier*, and their collaborative work group, who were awarded an Amazon Catalyst grant for their project, “Cross Cultural Optics.” Read more about it here.
Jennifer Schwartz, Clay Mosher and Jennifer Sherman who have been chosen by the Vera Institute of Justice to have WSU host a (funded) state hub site for the study of rural jails.
Eric Allen*. 2019. “Perceived Discrimination and Health: Paradigms and Prospects.” Sociology Compass 13(8).
Amorim, Mariana and Laura Tach. 2019. “Multiple-partner fertility and the growth in sibling complexity.” Demography.
Bugden, Dylan and Richard Stedman. 2019. “Place and behavior: The role of accessibility.” Journal of Environmental Psychology 63: 109-117.
Denney, Justin T., Jarron M. Saint Onge, and Jeff A. Dennis. 2018. “Neighborhood Concentrated Disadvantage and Adult Mortality: Insights for Racial and Ethnic Differences.” Population Research and Policy Review 37(2): 301-321.
Brewer, Mackenzie, Rachel T. Kimbro, and Justin T. Denney. 2019. “Families in Context: Food Insecurity among Hispanic Immigrant and non-Immigrant Households with Children.” Family & Community Health 42(4):283-291. doi: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000236
Justin Denney, with colleagues Alexa Solazzo (Harvard University) and Bridget Gorman (Rice University) coauthored “Does Sexual Orientation Complicate the Relationship Between Marital Status and Gender with Self-Rated Health and Cardiovascular Disease?” accepted for publication in Demography.
Li, Xiao*. 2019. “Challenging Both Rural Advantage and Disadvantage Narratives: The Effects of Family Factors on American Student College Expectations in the Early 2010s.” Journal of Research in Rural Education 35(5):1-16.
Leupp, Katrina, Sabino Kornrich, and Julie Brines. 2019. “‘Stuck’ in nonstandard schedules? Married couples’ nonstandard work schedules over the life course.” Community, Work and Family.
Inlow, Alana R.* 2019. “Does land use matter? Understanding homicide counts beyond the effects of social disorganization.” Homicide Studies.
Kirkpatrick Johnson, Monica, Jeylan T. Mortimer, and Jutta Heckhausen. 2019. “Work Value Transmission from Parents to Children: Early Socialization and Delayed Activation.” Work and Occupations.
Gillham, Patrick*, Nathan Lindstedt*, Bob Edwards, and Erik Johnson. 2019. “The Mobilizing Effects of Economic Threats and Resources on the Formation of Local Occupy Wall Street Protest Groups in 2011.” Sociological Perspectives 62(4):433-454. *Co-equal authors
Rotolo, Thomas, Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson, and James McCall*. 2019. “Examining the Effect of Adolescent Sport Participation on Civic Engagement and Orientation in Early Adulthood.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Rotolo, Thomas and Scott Frickel. 2019. “When disasters strike environmental science: a case-control study of changes in scientific collaboration networks.” Scientometrics 120(1):301-317.
Zamora-Kapoor, Anna, K. Sinclair, L. Nelson, H. Lee, and D. Buchwald. 2019. “Obesity risk factors in American Indians and Alaska Natives: a systematic review.” Public Health 174:85-96.
Zamora-Kapoor, Anna, Frédéric Godart, and Yue Zhao. 2019. “Networks on the walls: Analyzing “traces” of institutional logics in museums’ permanent exhibitions.” Poetics.
Marisa Cervantes* and Alana Inlow* led a teaching workshop sponsored by the American Sociological Association Student Forum, “Teaching While Inferior: Navigating the Instructor Role as a Racial, Sexual, and/or Gender Minority Graduate Student,” at the 2019 ASA Annual Meeting in New York.
Don A. Dillman presented the 2019 M.E. John Distinguished Lecture, “How Web-Push surveys have revolutionized data collection throughout the world,” for the Department of Agricultural Economics, Rural Sociology and Agricultural Education at Pennsylvania State University in State College in April.
Don A. Dillman presented the University of Maryland/University of Michigan, 2019 Joint Program for Survey Methods 2019 Distinguished Lecture, “Web-Push Surveys; Origins, Uses and Unsolved Challenges” in College Park Maryland in April.
Don A. Dillman presented an invited short course, “The World-wide Challenge of Developing Effective Web-Push Survey Methods,” at the annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research in Toronto, Canada, in May.
Don A. Dillman presented “Should a Citizenship Question be added to the 2020 Census?” at a meeting of the Pullman League of Women Voters in April.
Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson presented her paper, “Families’ Financial Support to Young Adults in Tough Times,” at the “It’s About Time: A Conference on the Study of Lives through Time” conference at Pennsylvania State University in May.
Xiao Li* presented a paper, “Migration Behaviors and Educational Attainment of Rural and Non-Rural Youth” at the 2019 annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society in Richmond, Viginia.
Xiao Li* presented a paper co-authored with Alair MacLean, “Educational Inequality by Place across Two Cohorts in the Early 21st Century United States” at the 2019 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in New York.
Alana Inlow* presented a paper, “Does Land Use Matter? Understanding Homicide Counts Beyond the Effects of Social Disorganization,” at the 2019 Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meeting in New York.
Sarah Whitley delivered an invited presentation, “The Challenges and Effects of Rural Food Insecurity and Hunger: An Eastern Washington Case Study” to the Nutrition and Exercise Physiology department, WSU College of Medicine in March.
Anna Zamora-Kapoor presented her work, “Breastfeeding in American Indians and its implications for adolescent and adult health,” in the Speaker Series: Research Connections at the Department of Medical Education and Clinical Sciences at WSU Healthy Sciences Spokane in September.
Other noteworthy accomplishments:
Justin Denney was quoted in a recent US News & World Report article focusing on healthy communities. The article can be found here:
Justin Denney (PI), with Elson College of Medicine colleagues and co-PIs Dedra Buchwald and Ken Roberts, were awarded the $10,000 WSU College of Arts and Sciences Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Seed Grant for their project, “Community Data from a Practice-based Network to Improve Health, Healthcare, and Training for Healthcare Professionals in Washington State.”
Justin Denney and colleagues were awarded the 2018 IPUMS Published Research Award ( from the University of Minnesota Population Center for their 2018 publication in Population Research & Policy Review, “Neighborhood Concentrated Disadvantage and Adult Mortality: Insights for Racial and Ethnic Differences.”
Justin Denney was a keynote speaker at the 2019 National Maternal, Infant, and Child Nutrition Conference held at the University of Minnesota in August. His talk, “Families, Places, and Food Insecurity in Households with Young Children,” was hosted on the conference website for the subsequent three months as part of a course for dietitians, nutritionists, certified nurse midwives, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, and public health professionals.
Clay Mosher’s recent book, In the Weeds, was reviewed in Big Buds Magazine and is recommended by Stoner’s Book Club.
Sarah Whitley began a three-year term in August 2019 as the Region 10 Representative for the sociological honor society, Alpha Kappa Delta.