Department accomplishments: Fall/Winter 2014-2015

<>Department accomplishments: Fall/Winter 2014-15 

Our faculty and graduate students continue to have success in many different ways, from editorial responsibilities to grants and publications. Accomplishments we learned about since the beginning of Fall Semester, 2014 are reported here. This report supplements the one included in the Summer 2014 Issue of Sociology News.

We are especially pleased with the variety of journals in which research work has been reported and the many instances of collaboration between current and former students. Current department members’ names are listed in bold. Former graduate students are also listed in bold followed by their degree and year of completion, where appropriate.

Appointments, Grants, Recognitions and Special Activities


Julie Kmec was selected to co-edit the Social Stratification section of the online journal Sociology Compass. Her 3-year term as co-editor began January 2015.

Christine Horne is co-principal investigator on a three year, $1,260,000 grant from the National Science Foundation that focuses on the resilience of the electricity and telecommunications systems. Raoul Líevanos is a faculty collaborator on this grant.

Clay Mosher collaborated with the Clark County Juvenile Court and Department of Community Services to apply for a Juvenile Drug Court Enhancement grant. The three-year, $975,000 grant was funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. It will allow for enhancements to the Juvenile Recovery Court, such as job-readiness skills, expanded mentoring and a full-time psychologist.  Mosher will evaluate the impact of the enhancements.

Clay Mosher also received a grant of $15,000 from the Clark County Juvenile Court to evaluate the court’s “Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative.”

Joe Kremer (PhD expected May 2014) accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Sociology at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa.

Feng Hao (PhD expected, May 2015) received a “Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad” scholarship for $6,000.

Don A. Dillman provided an invited tutorial on Designing Mixed-Mode Surveys at the 6th Annual Korea Internet Methodology Conference in Daejeon, South Korea, sponsored by Statistics Korea in September. In October he taught a two-day short course on Visual and Motivational Issues associated with designing mixed-mode surveys at the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany.

A number of WSU faculty, former faculty, graduate students and alumni met at the American Society of Criminology meetings in November, 2014. At the annual WSU luncheon were: Jennifer Schwartz, Clay Mosher, Jim Short, Jarred Williams, former faculty Charles Tittle and Mark Stafford, and alumni Laurie Hughes and Lisa Brody.

Graduate students Hong Zhang and Michael Lengefeld received fellowships from the Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service. Zhang’s fellowship support will go towards a study of Asian foreign-born STEM workers and how they interpret their working experiences and career prospects in the US. Lengefeld will use his fellowship support to analyze the environmental impacts of nuclear technologies in the context of military and economic organizations.

Joseph Astorino attended the Under Western Skies Conference held at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Canada, September 9-12, 2014. He chaired a session titled “Science, Culture, and Planning”, and gave both an oral presentation and a poster on the topic of his dissertation. The talk was entitled: “Scientific Cultures”, while the poster was titled “How Do You Map Scientific Cultures?”

Recent Publications

Cutler, Kristin A. (PhD 2012 and Sociology Instructor) 2014. “Prescription Stimulants are ‘A Okay’: Applying Neutralization Theory to College Students’ Non-medical Use of Prescription Stimulants.” Journal of American College Health, 62(7): 478-486.

Dodoo, F. Nii-Amoo, Christine Horne, and Naa Dodua Dodoo. 2014. “Lab Experiments in Demographic Fieldwork: Understanding Gender Dynamics in Africa.” Demographic Research 31:1417-1430.

Dodoo, F. Nii-Amoo, Christine Horne, and Adriana Biney. 2014. “Does Education Mitigate the Negative Effects of Bridewealth on Women’s Reproductive Autonomy.” Genus LXX(1):77-97.

Edwards, Michelle L. (PhD 2014), Don A. Dillman and Jolene D. Smyth (PhD, 2007). 2014. “An Experimental Test of the Effects of Survey Sponsorship on Internet and Mail Survey Response.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 78 (3): 734-750

Givens, Jennifer E. 2014. “Sociology: Drivers of Climate Change Beliefs.” Nature Climate Change 4(12):1051-1052.

Givens, Jennifer E., and Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2014. “Global Integration and Carbon Emissions, 1965-2005.” In Overcoming Global Inequalities, edited by Immanuel Wallerstein, Christopher Chase-Dunn, and Christian Suter. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Press.

Givens, Jennifer E. 2014. “Global Climate Change Negotiations, the Treadmill of Destruction, and World Society: An Analysis of Kyoto Protocol Ratification.” International Journal of Sociology 44(2):7-36.

Steven Hitlin and Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson. Forthcoming. “Reconceptualizing Agency within the Life Course: The Power of Looking Ahead.”  American Journal of Sociology.

Horne, Christine, Brice Darras, Elyse Bean, Anurag Srivistava, and Scott Frickel. Forthcoming 2015. “Privacy Norms and the Smart Grid.” Social Science Research.

Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick. Forthcoming, Young People and the Great Recession: Work, Family, Health and Social Attitudes, edited by Ingrid Schoon and John Bynner.

Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick. Forthcoming: “Sociology of Adolescence.”  International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Science 2nd Edition, edited by James D. Wright. Oxford: Elsevier.

Jorgenson, Andrew K. and Jennifer E. Givens. 2014. “Economic Globalization and Environmental Concern: A Multilevel Analysis of Individuals within 37 Nations.” Environment & Behavior 46:848-871.

Kennedy, E.H., H. Krahn, and N.T. Krogman. 2015. “Are we counting what counts? A closer examination of environmental concern, pro-environmental behavior, and carbon footprint.” Local Environment, 20(2): 220-236. Impact factor: 1.213.

Kennedy, E.H., H. Krahn, and N.T. Krogman. 2014. “Egregious emitters: Disproportionality in household carbon footprints.” Environment & Behavior, 46(5): 535-555. Impact factor: 2.013.

Kmec, Julie A., Shanyuan Foo, and Amy S. Wharton. “Academic Parents and Pro-Work Behaviors: How Does Departmental Culture Matter?” Pp. 113-125 in Kris DeWelde and Andi Stepnik (eds.) Disrupting the Culture of Silence: Confronting Gender Inequality and Making Change in Higher Education. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Mosher, Clayton and Scott Akins (PhD 2002) 2014. “From ‘Just Say No!’ to ‘Well, Maybe’—The War on Drugs & Sensible Alternatives.”  Pp. 121-144 in Criminal Justice Policy, Stacy L. Mallicoat and Christine L. Gardiner Eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mosher, Clayton and Scott Akins (PhD 2002). 2014. “Medical Marijuana” in Science and Politics: An A-to-Z Guide to Issues and Controversies, Brent Steel Ed. CQ Press.

Frickel, Scott, Rebekah Torcasso, Annika Anderson. Forthcoming June 2015. “The Organization of Expert Activism: Shadow Mobilization in Two Social Movements.” Mobilization.

Johnson, Erik W. 2014. “Toward international comparative research on associational activity: Variation in the form and focus of voluntary associations in four nations.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 43(2S): 163S-181S.

Caudell, Mark, Rotolo, Thomas, and Mulye Grima. Forthcoming. “Informal Lending Networks in Rural Ethiopia.” Social Networks

Rotolo, Thomas, John Wilson, and Nathan Dietz. Forthcoming. “The Impact of the Foreclosure Crisis on Volunteering: A Fed-Effects Analysis.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly

Rotolo, Thomas and John Wilson. 2014. “Social Heterogeneity and Volunteering in U.S. Cities.” Sociological Forum 29:429-452

Sage, Rayna (PhD 2013) and Jennifer Sherman. 2014. “‘There are no Jobs Here’: Opportunity Structures, Moral Judgment, and Educational Trajectories in the Rural Northwest.” Chapter 5 in Dynamics of Social Class, Race, and Place in Rural Education, Craig B. Howley, Aimee Howley, & Jerry Johnson, editors. Information Age Press: 67-94.

Schwartz, Jennifer, Meredith Williams (PhD 2012), and Katie Clemons. 2014. “Thirty years of sex stratification in violent crime partnerships and groups.” Feminist Criminology. 10(1): 60-91.

Sherman, Jennifer. 2014. “Rural Poverty: The Great Recession, Rising Unemployment, and the Underutilized Safety Net.” Chapter 27 in Rural America in a Globalizing World: Problems and Prospects for the 2010s, (eds.) Conner Bailey, Leif Jensen & Elizabeth Ransom, editors. West Virginia Press: 523-539.

Smith, Chad L. (PhD 2005), Gregory Hooks, and Michael Lengefeld. 2014. “The War on Drugs in Colombia: The Environment, The Treadmill of Destruction and Risk-Transfer Militarism.” Journal of World Systems Research. 20(2): 185-206.

Stern, Michael J. (PhD 2006), Ipek Bilgen and Don A. Dillman. 2014. The State Of Survey Methodology: Challenges, Dilemmas ,and new Frontiers in the Era of the Tailored Design. Field Methods (August) 26: 284-30

Wharton, Amy S. 2014. “Interactive Service Work.” Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment. Stephen Edgell, Heidi Gottfried, and Edward Granter (eds.). London: Sage.

Wharton, Amy S. and Mychel Estevez. “Department Chairs’ Perspectives on Work, Family, and Gender: Pathways for Transformation.” Advances in Gender Research 19: 131-150.

Wharton, Amy S. Presidential Address: “(Un)Changing Institutions: Work, Family, and Gender in the New Economy.” Sociological Perspectives (January 2015).

Wharton, Amy S. “Sociology of Work and Emotions.” Pp. 335-358 in Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions,Vol. II, Jan E. Stets and Jonathon H. Turner, Eds. Amsterdam: Springer

Wharton, Amy S. “The Past, Present, and Future of a Regional Sociological Association.” The American Sociologist 45: 327-333.