Publications April 2018
Recent Publications
Our department has had another productive year publishing research in a wide variety of academic outlets and on topics ranging from health to families. We have listed our faculty and graduate students’ 2017-2018 publications below.
* denotes graduate student
Graduate Students
McKee, Adam.* 2017. “Gay men and fatherhood: Doing gender, queering gender, and the package deal.” Sociology Compass.
Allen, Eric* and Mindy S. Bradley. Forthcoming. “Perceptions of Harm, Criminality, and Law Enforcement Response: Comparing Violence by Men Against Women and Violence by Women Against Men.” Victims & Offenders.
Scott, Lauren* and Erik W. Johnson. 2017. “From Fringe to Core? The Integration of Environmental Sociology.” Environmental Sociology 1(3): 17-29.
Liévanos, Raoul, Pierce Greenberg*, and W. Ryan Wishart. Forthcoming. “In the Shadow of Production: Coal Waste Accumulation and Environmental Inequality Formation in Eastern Kentucky.” Social Science Research.
Johnson, Erik W. and Pierce Greenberg*. 2018. “The US Environmental Movement of the 1960s and 1970s: Building Frameworks of Sustainability” in Routledge Handbook of the History of Sustainability, edited by Jeremy Caradonna.
Tuthill, Zelma, Justin T. Denney and Bridget K. Gorman. “Racial Disparities in Health and Health Behaviors Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Heterosexual Men and Women in the BRFSS-SOP.” Forthcoming in Ethnicity and Health.
Freeman, Laura, Justin T. Denney, and Rachel Tolbert Kimbro. “Family Diversity and Child Health: Where Do Same-Sex Couple Families Fit?” Forthcoming in Journal of Marriage and Family. doi:10.1111/jomf.12437
Denney, Justin T., Rachel Tolbert Kimbro and Gregory Sharp. “Neighborhoods and Food Insecurity in Households with Young Children: A Disadvantage Paradox?” Forthcoming in Social Problems.
Kranjac, Ashley W., Rachel Tolbert Kimbro, Justin T. Denney, Kristin M. Osiecki, Brady S. Moffett, and Keila N. Lopez. 2017. “Comprehensive Neighborhood Portraits and Child Asthma Disparities.” Maternal and Child Health Journal. 21(7): 1552-1562. doi:10.1007/s10995-017-2286-z
Denney, Justin T., Rachel Tolbert Kimbro, Katherine Heck, and Catherine Cubbin. 2017. “Social Cohesion and Food Insecurity: Insights from the GROW Study.” Maternal and Child Health Journal. 21(2): 343-350. doi: 10.1007/s10995-016-2119-5
Solazzo, Alexa L., Bridget K. Gorman, and Justin T. Denney. 2017. “Cancer Screening Utilization among U.S. Women: How Mammogram and Pap Test Use Varies Among Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Bisexual Women.” Population Research & Policy Review 36:357-377. doi:10.1007/s11113-017-9425-5
Brewer, Mackenzie, Rachel Tolbert Kimbro, Justin T. Denney, Kristin M. Osiecki, Brady Moffett, and Keila Lopez. 2017. “Does neighborhood social and environmental context impact race/ethnic disparities in childhood asthma?” Health & Place 44:86-93.
Kimbro, Rachel Tolbert, Gregory Sharp, and Justin T. Denney. 2017. “Home and Away: Area Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Obesity Risk.” Health & Place 44:94-102.
Horne, Christine and Emily Huddart Kennedy. 2017. “The Power of Social Norms for Reducing and Shifting Energy Use.” Energy Policy 107:43-52.
Anthony, Denise, Celeste Campos-Castillo, and Christine Horne. 2017. “Toward a Sociology of Privacy.” Annual Review of Sociology 43:249-269 (authors are listed alphabetically)
Liévanos, Raoul S. and Christine Horne. 2017. “Unequal Resilience: The Duration of Electricity Outages.” Energy Policy 108:201-211.
Frickel, Scott, Daniela Wühr, Christine Horne, Meghan Kallman. 2017. “Field of Visions: Inter-Organizational Challenges to the Smart Energy Transition in Washington State.” Brooklyn Law Review 82(2):693-724.
Schwadel, Phillip and Erik W. Johnson. 2017. “The Social Origins of Evangelical Protestants’ Opposition to Environmental Spending.” Journal for Scientific Study of Religion 56(1): 179-198. DOI: 10.1111/jssr.12322
Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick, and Steven Hitlin. 2017. “Adolescent Agentic Orientations: Contemporaneous Family Influence, Parental Biography and Intergenerational Development.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46:2215–2229.
Staff, Jeremy, Jeylan T. Mortimer, and Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson. Forthcoming. Work Intensity and Dropout.” In Barbara Schneider (Ed.), Handbook of the Sociology of Education in the 21st Century. Springer.
Kennedy, E.H., J. Johnston and J. Parkins. Forthcoming. Small-p politics: How pleasurable, convivial, and pragmatic political ideals influence engagement in eat-local initiatives. British Journal of Sociology. Published online. DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12298/full.
Kennedy, E.H., J. Parkins, and J. Johnston. Forthcoming. “Evaluating the democratic imagination of citizen-consumer practices: Comparative insights from eat-local movements.” Journal of Consumer Culture. Published online. DOI: 10.1177/1469540516659125.
Kennedy, E.H. and A.D. Boyd. 2018. Gendered citizenship and the individualization of environmental responsibility: “Evaluating a campus common reading program.” Environmental Education Research. 24(2): 191-206.
Kennedy, E.H. 2017. “Social change at the nexus of consumption and politics: A case study of eat-local movements.” In, Social Change and the Coming of Post-consumer Society, M.J. Cohen, P. Vergragt, and H. Brown [Eds]. New York: Routledge.
Kennedy, E.H. 2017. Invited commentary on “sustainability and well-being: A happy synergy.” Great Transition Initiative (April 2017).
Leupp, Katrina. (2017). “Depression, Work and Family Roles, and the Gendered Life Course.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 58(4): 422-441.
Sherman, Jennifer. 2017. “‘Not Allowed to Inherit My Kingdom’: Amenity Development and Social Inequality in the Rural West.” Rural Sociology. Online Early View.
Sherman, Jennifer. 2017. “‘Stress I don’t Need’: Gender Expectations and Relationship Struggles amongst the Poor.” Journal of Marriage and Family 79(3): 657-674
Tickamyer, Ann, Jennifer Sherman, and Jennifer Warlick, editors. 2017. Rural Poverty in the United States. New York: Columbia University Press.
McMaster, Hope Seib, Cynthia A. LeardMann, Steven Speigle and Don A. Dillman. 2017. “An Experimental Comparison of Web-push vs. Paper-only survey Procedures for Conducting an In-Depth health Survey of Military Spouses.” BMC Medical Research Methodology. April 26, 9 pages.
Dillman, Don A. (2017). “The promise and challenge of pushing respondents to the Web in mixed-mode surveys.” Survey Methodology, Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12‑001‑X, Vol. 43, No. 1. Paper available as PDF (English or French).