Publications, Awards, Activities, and other Accomplishments

Asterisk (*) denotes current WSU Sociology graduate students.

Congratulations to…

Eric Allen*, who successfully defended his dissertation, “Workplace Discrimination and Health: Gender Differences and Intergenerational Outcomes,” in March 2020.

Mari Amorim, who was awarded a New Faculty Seed Grant for her project “Universal Basic Income, Financial-Decision Making, and Socioeconomic Inequalities.”

Liz Aust*, who successfully defended her MA thesis, “How Job Level Sex Composition and Gender Influence Adhere to the Ideal Worker Norm,” in November 2019.

Yikang Bai*, who successfully defended his PhD dissertation, “Longitudinal and Network Analyses of International Trade in Plastic Waste,” in May 2020. He also completed the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Statistics in the fall 2019 semester.

Lindsey Beltz*, who successfully defended her PhD dissertation, “Recreational Cannabis Legislation in Washington State: Residents’ Opinions and Perceptions of Effects Five Years After Implementation,” in November 2019.

Ana K. Betancourt Macias, sociology major, who testified in February before the Washington State legislature in support of a bill that would provide state funding for higher education to undocumented students. Betancourt Macias is also ASWSUV vice president and vice president of Diversity for the Washington Student Association. Over past two years, Macias worked with a team to develop and advocate for the bill, SB 6561. Students will be able to apply for loans in June 2021.

Olivia Butterman*, who successfully defended her thesis, “A Rural-Urban Environmental Education Divide? A Study of Environmental Science and Studies Degree Programs in U.S. Universities,” in April 2020.

Marisa Cervantes*, who was selected to take part in the 2020 Intersectional Qualitative Research Methods Institute for Advanced Doctoral Students at the University of Texas at Austin. Cervantes also won the Arnold and Julia Greenwell Memorial Scholarship for Social Sciences and Humanities from the WSU Graduate School.

Marisa Cervantes* and Alana Inlow*, who were selected for the 2020 Alpha Kappa Delta Workshop on Teaching and Learning Fellowship.

Caleb Cooley*, who passed his area paper exam with his paper titled “The Pathways Through Which Minority Stress and Stigma Shape Substance Use Among Sexual Minorities.”

Jonathan Dahlem*, who successfully defended his PhD dissertation, “Toward a Conservation Sociology: Meaning, Power, and Time in Island Marble Butterfly (Euchloe Ausonides Insulana) Conservation,” in March 2020.

Andrea De La Barrera Montppellier*, who passed her area paper exam with her paper titled “Antecedents of Sex Discrimination Disputes in The Workplace: Trends and Prospects for Sociological Research.”

Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson, who was awarded the GPSA Award of Excellence for Advising.

Seon Yup Lee*, who passed his area paper exam with his paper titled “Norms and Status Structures: Perpetuating Inequality or ‘Virtuous Cycle’?”

James McCall*, who successfully defended his PhD dissertation, “Education and Depression: A Life Course Investigation of the Sense of Control Mediator,” in November 2019. McCall now holds a position as project manager at WSU’s Social and Economic Sciences Research Center.

Adam McKee* and Aleksey Reshetnikov*, were nominated by their students for the Best Global Campus Instructor Award.

Alair MacLean, who was promoted to the rank of professor at WSU.

Namrata Ray* and Jugal Marfatia (graduate student in the WSU School of Economic Sciences), who were selected as one of six finalist teams for the NFL’s Big Data Bowl 2020, based on the innovation, accuracy, relevance, and clarity of their submission. They were flown to Indianapolis to present their findings with the team officials at the Scouting Combine in February. Read about it here: 2020 Big Data Bowl Results. Ray also passed her area paper exam with her paper titled “Neighborhood Disadvantage and Educational Outcomes: Exploring the Causal Mechanisms of Influence.”

Jonathan Schreiner*, who successfully defend his PhD dissertation, “Improving Web-Push Respondent communication in the American Community Survey.” He is now employed as a survey statistician at the U.S. Census Bureau in Washington, DC.

Jennifer Schwartz, Jennifer Sherman, and Clay Mosher, who were awarded a Vera Institute of Justice grant for their project “Eastern Washington Rural Jails Research and Policy Network.” Read about it here: WSU Insider: Combating rising incarceration in rural areas

The Inlander: WSU researchers receive grant to study rural incarceration in Eastern Washington

Sandte Stanley*, who passed her area paper exam with her paper titled “The Development of Racial Minority Mortality Disparities through Social and Structural Inequities: A Comprehensive Literature Review.”


Mari Amorim, Natasha Pilkauskas (University of Michigan), and Rachel Dunifon (Cornell University) coauthored the article “Historical trends in children living in multigenerational households: 1870-2018,” accepted at Demography.

Dylan Bugden authored “Does Climate Protest Work? Partisanship, Protest, and Sentiment Pools,” accepted for publication in Socius.

Justin Denney and Caleb Cooley*, with collaborators Zhe Zhang and Bridget Gorman of Rice University, coauthored a manuscript accepted for the forthcoming Volume 21 of Advances in Medical Sociology, Sexual and Gender Minority Health titled “Substance Use, Mental Well-Being, and Suicide Ideation by Sexual Orientation Among U.S. Adults.”

Justin Denney, with Zelma Tuthill and Bridget Gorman of Rice University, coauthored “Racial Disparities in Health and Health Behaviors Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Heterosexual Men and Women in the BRFSS-SOP” to appear in Ethnicity & Health. Full text of the article is available at and the abstract appears below.

Justin Denney and Jason Boardman (University of Colorado) coauthored “Hearing Impairment, Household Composition, Marital Status, and Mortality Among U.S. Adults,” accepted in the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.

Justin Denney, with colleagues from the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, coauthored “Area deprivation amplifies racial inequities in premature mortality: Analysis of 242,667 deaths in Washington State, USA 2011-15,” accepted in Health & Place.

Katherine Dentzman and Samuel Mindes coauthored a peer-reviewed book chapter, “Labor and the Problem of Herbicide Resistance: How Immigration Policies in the United States and Canada Impact Technology Development in Gran Crops,” in The Immigrant-Food Nexus: Borders, Labor, and Identity in North America by Julian Agyeman and Sydney Giacolone (eds).

Don A. Dillman authored the book chapter “Three Decades of Advancing Survey Methodology,” accepted for publication in The Meeting Place, 2nd Edition, Smith, Tom W. (ed.) by American Association for Public Opinion Research.

Don A. Dillman authored the paper “Towards Survey Response Rate Theories that no longer pass each other like strangers in the night,” accepted for publication in Philip Brenner’s Understanding Survey Methodology: Sociological theory and applications, Springer Books.

Christine Horne and Emily Kennedy coauthored “Accidental Environmentalists or Ethical Elite? The Moral Dimensions of Environmental Impact,” accepted for publication in Poetics.

Christine Horne and Stefanie Mollborn coauthored “Norms,” accepted for publication in Annual Review of Sociology.

Christine Horne and Wojtek Przepiorka coauthored “Technology use and norm change in online privacy,” accepted for publication in Information, Communication and Society.

Erik Johnson, Jennifer Schwartz and Alana Inlow*, coauthored “The Criminalization of Environmental Harm: A study of the most serious environmental offenses prosecuted by the U.S. federal government, 1985-2010,” accepted for publication in Environmental Sociology.

Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson, Kaspar Burger, and Jeylan T. Mortimer, coauthored “Self-esteem and self-efficacy in the status attainment process and the multigenerational transmission of advantage” in Social Science Research

Julie Kmec and Sheryl Skaggs coauthored “Managing Racial Diversity: The Context of State Legal and Political Cultures” accepted for publication in Social Science Research.

Julie Kmec, with Candis Claiborn (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering), copresented “Women’s Representation in Engineering: What are we Missing?” at the November Science Pub in Pullman.

Julie Kmec and Lindsey Trimble O’Connor (WSU Sociology PhD ’12, now at CSU-Channel Islands) coauthored “Is it Discrimination, or Fair and Deserved? How Beliefs about Work, Family, and Gender Shape Recognition of Family Responsibilities Discrimination,” accepted for publication in Social Currents.

Julie Kmec and Sarah Morton (WSU Sociology PhD ’19, currently at ENGIE Impact) along with WSU Computer Science faculty member Matthew Taylor coauthored “It’s What You Call It: Gendered Framing and Women’s and Men’s Interest in a Robotics Instruction Task,” accepted for publication in International Journal of Gender, Science, & Technology.

Clay Mosher and Scott Akins (WSU Sociology PhD ’02, now at Oregon State University) coauthored the chapter “Recreational marijuana legalization in Washington State – Benefits and harms” in Tom Decorte, Simon Lenton, and Chris Wilkins (eds.) Legalizing Cannabis – Experiences, Lessons, and Scenarios. UK: Routledge. 2020.

Adam Roth* (WSU Sociology PhD ’19, now a post-doc at University of Indiana), Justin Denney, and colleagues in the College of Medicine coauthored “Characteristics of Place and the Rural Disadvantage in Deaths from Highly Preventable Causes,” accepted for publication in Social Science & Medicine.

Other noteworthy accomplishments:

Mari Amorim and Megan Doherty Bea were awarded a grant through the University of Wisconsin Fall Research Competition for their project, Family Well-Being, Predatory Lending, and the American Social Safety Net. Amorim was also awarded funds for an External Mentor (Daniel Schneider, UC Berkeley) through the ADVANCE at WSU program.

Dylan Bugden was featured in WSU Insider as the new Boeing Distinguished Professor of Environmental Sociology. Read it here.

Justin Denney joined an Expert Working Group for a Food Security Measurement Study conducted by the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition. The study aims to develop a new measure of household food security to be used alongside existing US Department of Agriculture measurements but incorporating economic, environmental, social, and psychosocial drivers and consequences of food insecurity.

Alana Inlow* presented an invited lecture on the film The Last Black Man in San Francisco during WSU’s 33rd Annual MLK Program: Power + Love, Film Series, and participated in a discussion as an invited panelist after the film.

Washington State Magazine featured the work of Julie Kmec and Clay Mosher in separate articles (“I Scientist” and “Cannabis in WA State,” respectively) in the Spring 2020 edition. Read them here.

Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson was among five panelists who participated in the “Pathways to Leadership: Women Leaders and Their Stories” event at WSU in November. Read about it here.

Julie Kmec was awarded a Research Enhancement Opportunity (REO) Award from the College of Arts and Sciences to support the development of her NSF proposal this fall.

Clay Mosher and Scott Akins’s book, In the Weeds, was reviewed in Social Forces. Read the review here.

Sarah Whitley completed the LIFT (Learn. Inspire. Foster. Transform.) Faculty Fellowship, a student success initiative at WSU.

Sarah Whitley and Julie Kmec were selected to join the WSU President’s Teaching Academy.

Anna Zamora-Kapoor’s research on art museums has been covered in several media outlets:

Anna Zamora-Kapoor’s pilot grant application, “Sex differences in obesity, cognitive performance and vascular brain injury in American Indians: Evidence from the Strong Heart Stroke Study,” was funded by the Native Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research. Amount: $25,000.

Department of Sociology Colloquium Series
Dan Schneider is standing up at the front of a room near a projector screen. He is looking at the screen and talking with one hand up in the air, gesturing toward the photo on the screen. There are several people looking at him, sitting down around a conference table.
Dr. Dan Schneider giving a talk at the WSU Sociology Spring 2020 Colloquium Series in February.

Before the spring semester was disrupted by the current health crisis, the Department of Sociology Colloquium series was in full swing.  Professor Daniel Schneider (Department of Sociology, UC Berkeley) visited at the end of February to deliver a talk. His research focuses on family demography, inequality, and precarious employment. He presented his research on unpredictable work scheduling in US service sector jobs and its deleterious consequences. Given recent events, his work has taken on even more relevance and importance.

Thank you to all of our generous donors this year who made it possible for the Department of Sociology to continue a speaker series and other programming, to award scholarships to both undergraduate and graduate students, and to support the professional development and research projects of our graduate students.  If you are interested in supporting WSU Sociology this year, you can donate online (Washington State University Foundation: Department of Sociology Excellence Fund) or contact the department for additional options ( The department continues to seek support for the Dillman Fellowship to support graduate student original research (College of Arts & Sciences Don Dillman Fellowship in Sociology).