Letter from the DGS, Erik Johnson


Erik is forward facing with a soft smile.
Erik Johnson.

I am the new Director of Graduate Studies for the Department of Sociology, but I’m not new to the University or department where I’ve worked for the past dozen years. In that time, I have come to truly appreciate the unique nature of our graduate program which offers both unusually broad methodological training and support of students pursuing a diversity of careers. Recent graduates from our program have earned tenure-track positions at academic institutions (from R1 to small liberal arts schools) as well as positions working and leading in government, nonprofits, and for-profit organizations.

We are excited to have a new cohort of seven excellent graduate students who joined our department this year and are looking forward to recruiting another cohort for next year. If you know of capable and driven students who are considering pursuing graduate training in sociology, please tell them about our program and/or have them reach out to me directly for more information. As alumni and friends of the department, you are part of a long and proud tradition of sociological training at WSU. If you have questions about what that program looks like today, ideas, or suggestions, I’m happy to chat with you about our program. Please do reach out to me.


Erik Johnson
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Sociology
College of Arts and Sciences